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Monday, August 8, 2011

What are the benefits of requiring young people to serve the army? Does participation in community work qualify as an alternative?

Military service is voluntary in most of the world. However, it is compulsory in some countries like Mexico and Iran. Although it has many benefits, some people argue its mandatory nature. Therefore, some alternatives, such as community service, can be taken into account.
There are many advantages of military conscription. First of all, young people can raise their physical fitness and enjoy better health. They also develop a sense of team spirit and improve abilities to get along well with others. They learn to cope with problems independently and gain self confidence. What is more, they expand their social circle as people from different corners of the country are together in the army camps. This can prove an invaluable asset when they return to civilian life.

It is irrefutable that army officers are very efficient, disciplined and excellent time managers. They are highly respected by the civilians. Some of them may join the army permanently if they like that life. It is also considered a positive point when they look for other jobs. It also instills a sense of patriotism among the youth. However, despite all these benefits, its mandatory nature is arguable. Many young, people cannot cope with the high level of stress in the army. That's why community service is suggested as an alternative in most countries.

Community service requires young people to contribute part of their time, energy and skills only. Moreover, community service tends to offer a direct assistance to participants in preparing for the workforce. By volunteering, young adults develop skills, gain work experience and explore career options. They can also acquire practical knowledge through community service.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, military service is helpful only when it is voluntary. Mandatory military service does not fit all young people, whereas community service benefits every young person. Therefore, community service is better than military conscription.

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