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Friday, September 25, 2009

School Uniforms

1.    Uniform provides identity to the school. Especially helpful during school trips. Also when some miscreants come in the school they can be easily spotted.
2.    Uniform is a social leveller. It erases any social differences that are there between rich and poor students.
3.    Uniform also improves the discipline of the school and creates a sense of belonging in the mind of students for the school.
4.    Moreover, students don’t waste time thinking what to wear. They have less pressure on them to be the best dressed and so they devote more time to studies.
5.    Uniform prepares the student for the world which has a dress code.
1.    We have a right to express ourselves and this includes the right to wear whatever we please.
2.    Uniform is not always practical or pleasant to wear.
3.    Expensive and so unnecessary burden on parents
4.    Can be very boring and monotonous.

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