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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Speaking memories 3 - 1st July 2012

Interview questions...
1.What is your full name..?
2.Where do you live..?
3.Do you work or study..?
4 In which field of study you are..?
5.From how long have you been in this stream...?
6.What are your future plans after completing your studies..?
7.Do you think there is scope in your field..?

Cue card...
describe a happy family news...?
where it was.?
what was it about.?
why was it important to your family..?
why did you felt happy about it..?

Follow up questions..?
1.      What is the most effective way of communication in today's world...??
2.      How do people communicate in your country....?
3.      What type of communication will be there in the future..?
4.      Do you meet your friends often?
5.      Do you have any close friends?
6.      How do you spend time with your friends..?
7.      What are the qualities that u find in your friends...?
8.      Do you believe all your friends possess such qualities....?

