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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Some speaking questions with possible answers

1.     1. Do old people in your country have a comfortable life after retirement?
Those people who have planned their retirement during their earning years have a comfortable life after retirement. But, unfortunately, there are many who cannot save for their retired life. They face many problems such as health problems and financial problems. The small amount of pension they draw is not enough and their children generally do not look after them. They also suffer from isolation as their children and grandchildren do not like to spend time with them.

2.     Do teenagers and adults enjoy the same kind of songs?
It depends on the personal taste. Generally speaking, teenagers like songs with fast beats and adults like songs with good lyrics and soft music.
3.     What are the factors which make people like a song?
A song should have good lyrics, a good composition, a pleasing voice and a good video to be liked by people.
4.     On which occasions do people in your country sing together?
In my country, people sing together on birthday parties, marriages, anniversaries and national holidays like the Independence Day and so on.

5.     Which kinds of songs are suitable for children? Why?
I think folk songs are very suitable for children because they keep children connected to our culture and tradition. As it is, today’s children are following the global culture and so, they need to be kept in touch with our traditional culture. Folk songs are a good way to connect with our culture.

6.       Do you think that it is important to learn about the oceans and why?
I think it is very important to learn about the oceans. We are directly or indirectly influenced by the oceans. Ocean waters serve as a source of food and valuable minerals such as salt which we use daily in our food. Oceans also are used for commerce. For example, pearls taken from oysters are used in jewelry, and shells and coral are used as building materials. They also provide a place for recreation.  Each year more people are attracted to the sports of swimming, fishing, scuba diving, boating, and waterskiing.
7.     Do you think the oceans should be protected by international agreement?
Definitely, oceans should be protected by international agreement. Without oceans there would be no life on Earth. We are directly or indirectly influenced by the oceans. Ocean waters serve as a source of food and valuable minerals such as salt which we use daily in our food. Oceans also are used for commerce. For example, pearls taken from oysters are used in jewelry, and shells and coral are used as building materials. They also provide a place for recreation.  Each year more people are attracted to the sports of swimming, fishing, scuba diving, boating, and waterskiing.

8.     Do you think the environmental problems can affect the oceans?
Yes, the environmental problems can definitely affect the oceans. Because of global warming, ocean water is also getting heated up and this is affecting marine life. People and big industries are dumping their effluents in the oceans and this is a cause for alarm.
9.     How is the noise level in your city?
My city is an industrial city and on top of that it is on the national highway. So, the noise levels are very high.
10.                        Where does noise in urban areas come from?
The noise in urban areas comes from pressure horns of vehicles, industries and loud speakers.

11.                        Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?
It is very important to be alone sometimes. Everyone needs to introspect at times. One needs to know about ones likes and dislikes and everyone needs time for one’s personal work which can be best done in solitude. 

12.                        What is the importance of belonging to a certain group?
There is a lot of importance of belonging to a social group. Man is a social animal and cannot live alone for long. One needs to share one’s happiness and sorrows with others. That is why we join social groups and feel part of these groups. Social groups are a sort of support system. They give us support when we are low in life. It is mentally unhealthy to be alone for long. 

13.                        What are problem you could have if you go out together in big group?
There could be a lot of problems in a big group. It is difficult to organise a big group. Mismanagement can lead to conflicts. It could end up in a lot of wastage of time. It has been well said that “two is a company and three is a crowd”.

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