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Friday, May 25, 2012

Speaking memories 5 25th May

1.    What is your full name?
2.    How can I call you?
3.    Tell me about your hometown?
4.    What is the one thing you like and dislike about your hometown?
5.    Do you think that the subjects you studied people prefer same subjects? Why?
6.    What sports people like in your country?
7.    Do you think they should play games?
8.    What games you have played in your school?

9.    What is the importance of sports?
10. What sports would you like to play in future and why?
11. Are your parents and friends are still residing where you grew up?
12. What facilities does your hometown have?

Cue card:
Job you want to do.
What skill you need.
Why you like this.
Explain why you find it interesting.

Follow ups:
1. Why some people choose such professions, not just event organizer or teacher....others also.
2.    Do you know anyone who is in the same profession?
3.    What do you think about outsourcing? Does it have positive or negative impact? Explain negative only.
4.    What can they learn from jobs?
5.    Besides environmental (cooperation, teamwork), what other things that person learns.
6.    Is team work important in nursing? Why it is so? How?


  1. Tourist are attracted towards traditional lifestyle in devloping countries , such tourist prevent locals to follow morden lifestyle

    Do you agree or disagree ?

    asked on 26th MAY 2012 .

  2. Speaking 25 may 2012 baroda

    1. What is your name ?
    2. What is your fav. Colour ? Why ?
    3. What is your fav room in home ?
    4. Where do live ? In flat or house ?
    5. What colour shoud you not apply in paining room ?

    Cue card

    Tell me about your fav. Season .

    Why do u like about this season .

    rest que i dont remember.

    Following que .

    1. What are impect of weather in our lifestyle ?

    2. What kind of cloths do u wear in such seasons ?

    3. What is effect of weather on economy ?

    4. Are any festival related to any weather ?

    5. why some people dislike some weather ?

  3. Lisning topic
    Section 1: travel booking agent talk
    Sec 2. Diagram about railwaystation .
    and we have find about parking , tea stall , book shop , wash room , chemisr shop , parking
    etc etc from dia gram

    Sec 3 . Talk about fossils , type of fossils where it found , how the found

    Sec 4 . Dont rememer

    ASked in 26 may 2012 baroda.

    In reading

    Para 1 : history of tasmaniam tiger

    Para 2: intelligence

    Para 3: dont remeber .

  4. Remembered the third para in late night ,
    It was about "distribution of living colony,"

    caution : in exam there were diff que like
    What was the shape of colonies ?
    How people use to live in colonies ?

    And all you have to answer in only two words or numbers .

    I had never experienced such que,though it was easy but make a practice of such que.

